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  • Writer's pictureDerek Hattersley

Health and Fitness

We are all responsible for our own health and fitness and as we age we find we are excluded from team opportunities either because we cannot compete at a particular level or the facilities are not there. Now through Walking Football the older player has an outlet to display their skills once more all be it at a slower pace. Walking football is played on many levels and is designed specifically for the over 50's and over 60's+ but is taken up by younger players with other disabilities. On a social level it provides health and wellbeing, promotes engagement among an age group who can feel neglected by society and provides the recommended amount of physical exercise advised by the NHS. On a competitive level it can offer the more ambitious and competitive with a challenge in friendly rivalry with counterparts Nationally and as the format is taken up abroad Internationally. As an introduction to a physical sport it is a good source for none players to get together in a mutual pass time.

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